Sunday, June 8, 2008

The World Is Coming To A End.....

This is what i thought when i got the following link from a few of my Crunk Heathens about a month ago.

Lil Wayne answers your sex questions

*Cue RLY WTF?! image*

I didn't even begin to know where to begin on what was so wrong with this concept. Even though this dude looks like he gets a sexual charge if the words battery acid and grape jelly is mentioned these delirious fools were really asking this dude "SEX QUESTIONS". I just cant and refuse to believe there are people that hung up where they cant go to someone else. I mean watching a dog hump a rim would be better than taking any advice this dude has to offer. If its not a question on how one manages to walk around freely in the rain without protective gear and not turn into a hot steamy pile of motor oil then i don't wanna hear it. When myself and the other Crunk Peeps got a hold of this we had a few questions of our own to ask Weezy Weeze. Around page 44 things start to go a little......left if you will. Some of the questions that were asked were:

PootieSLS Says:

May 7th, 2008 at 6:36 pm
Is it a sin to have mirrors in your house?

What type of incents do you use? I heard that Gorilla Mist was a new scent that was being endorsed by you!

Are you and baby planning on releasing some of your “Backyard knucking and bucking oiled up mud naked wrestling” games?

POW POW The Body Says:

May 7th, 2008 at 6:33 pm
is it true that you and Baby have his and his Valtrex prescription tattoos?

moto Says:

May 7th, 2008 at 6:22 pm
when you and superhead had sex, do your STDs fight it out like old west style? or more battlestar galatica style?

Moto ripped through my chest like a butter knife with that one!
(I would like to point out that even though the name on some of those questions bares the name "Pootie Scrawberry Life Saver of PootiesSLS" this is not me. *Adjusts Halo* )

All B.S aside though, this was a real question asked by one of his "fans":

apple tree Says: May 7th, 2008 at 3:12 pm
why is it that men always try to sneak in the back door and why do they think that women like a pinky in/on/ or around the brown eye ?
Its bull $+(_

And on that note I'm going to go bleach my brain!

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